A Day to Remember

Time to relax a bit. The “all nighter” took a lot out of met. I blame jet-lag. Normally I can compete with the best of ’em, but this time Josh let me sleep in. He came back around 10:30am with some food to eat. Another game of chess was in order since he had already won 3 times before. But after the game, we both passed out again and didn’t wake up until 6pm. Actually I tuned into some more “[H]ouse” and fell asleep to that, but after we woke up we had the whole night ahead of us.

So what did we do? We went to eat! We found a great Chinese food restaurant in the city called Jade Resturant. It was a little pricy but no worries, their food was so fresh, and the service was top notch. Our waitress spoke Mandarin, French, and a little English. Josh and I had this interesting conversation with her practicing all three languages together.

Back to the house, to charge up a bit more for the night. It was nice to update some more content. Soon we got a call from Alex, Joshua’s roommate here in Aix-En-Provence.

Alex is a student at UW – Madison on a study abroad trip who will one day, perhaps soon, own hotels. He is extremely charismatic, and friendly. He called Josh to tell us about an event. We had to go.

It turned out to be a great thing too since there were many students at this gallery and a live performing DJ. We did out level best to communicate with some people. And before you know it we were ‘back stage’ speaking with the promoter. I handed off a CD and a business card and he seemed excited to have the opportunity to import a US DJ.

Oppertuniy is everything. I met another one of Josh’s friends, a classmate from….[a place I cannot pronounce much less spell]. She was very kind in accompanying us to an exclusive bar in the hear of Aix-En-Provence. We were all dressed well enough to get in. There was three piece band playing some covers, quite well I might add. Even though I am on this trip for business, I did get a beer, and I did dance because I like to dance. This helped me meet more people to give CDs too in the end, so I guess you could say I was working.

Again we didn’t stay out nearly as late as we stayed up the previous night studying. But all in all a day to remember. We said “bonsoir”(goodnight) to Josh’s classmate, gave her “La bise.” The European tradition of kissing on the cheeks is universal to males and females alike and it is a common greeting. Although I got a little experience with the concept during my stay in China with some of the European students, this voyage to France was like a whole-‘nother level. It isn’t romantic from my observation and it is not really platonic either, it is just a friendly way of saying “hello”, “good bye”, and “nice to meet you.”

For more information on:
Faire La bise or how to La bise (air kiss), follow these links.

We came back to the Vera’s house and talked a lot. We played a game of Mancala More “[H]ouse” videos and soon I will be asleep.