New month looming

The great and unique quality about life seems to be this mysterious thing called time. Why just this vary moment your eyes scan across a pixilated page gathering information from black pixels in formations that make up objects called letters to form greater objects called words; in such a moment…time has passed!

This can only mean one thing of course, time is definitely indefinitely the unifying factor of life. We use time to quantize, qualify, and quantify  aspects of life: such as in music, history, or story telling. We use time to help us make sense of the otherwise random nature of existence. But do we really use time correctly? I mean consider this….

A long time ago (no pun intended), “Time” was created. After all the tangible objects were conceived, and their properties were assigned Time was invented to be nothing more than a button. A button that did absolutely nothing. At this point, it is debatable weather the button has been pushed or not. but existentialism aside, let’s assume the button has been pushed. The button was designed to be pushed by this scenario, and thus set the course for motion.

Abraham Maslow says that our bodies crave Homeostasis, so much so that Homeostasis is the real governor of our life decisions, not really consciousness. Perhaps we are hungry, perhaps we know we are hungry, we are literally in need of food. Perhaps we are consciously aware that we are hungry. Well, that feeling, that conscious self-awareness is a chemical reaction, a sensation of Homeo-imbalance, where we seek balance. According to Maslow, we as organisms to relay on a somewhat routine in life. As babies rocking in a cradle, to adults drinking coffee every morning. It is something we can count on. Maslow goes on to say that children are more successful when they are a part of some type of daily schedule, than if they freely do as this wish or feel.

My claim: time is an organism in it’s teenage years according to it’s immediate behavior. Time seems to be learning more about it’s own nature, and thus experimenting with it’s boundaries. It’s no wonder there have been major advancements in technology and communication in the last two decades alone. Time itself is evolving.

Back to the button in motion. A button pressed once, is 100% more likely to be pressed again than if it was never pressed once at all. This is a law in doxism (a theory based upon paradoxes that deals with abstract absolutes). If you can think of time as an organism, you can begin to imagine a heart, an organ system, maybe some extremities, or a brain. Time has thoughts. Time also has relatives, and perhaps has the ability to terminate.

Time is breathing and changing. Time must eat when time is hungry. Time feasts on life.

So there are five cycles that humans encounter. Physical Emphasis, Mental Emphasis, Emotional Emphasis, Character Input,  and Render. This cycle has no particular order as far as I can tell but these may be the fundamentals of life.


Physical Emphasis: mainly deals with everything Maslow describes up to Self Actualization. Seeing as how Maslow’s Theory has everything to do with a pyramid structure and having the previous tiers at least somewhat satisfied, it is fair to say that Physical Emphasis, encompasses everything that justifies motivation (both conscious and subconscious). Recall, you can eat with out the feeling of hunger, which is to say you can eat before you know you are hungry. But you eat in order to satisfy some physical need which, if you’re lucky, is a need that will propel you to your desires. If you’re not lucky then you might want to plan things more mentally.

Which brings me to Mental Emphasis. This is the conscious aspect of life that controls ambition, hard work, hubris, and so forth ending with all prperties of lesser emotion.

Emotional Emphasis =  the need to control, happy, anger, sadness, etc. I like to think of this as the ‘acting’ aspect of life. Even though we do not typically “act” our emotions, our actions by definition are acts. For we could control our responses with a enough forethought and practice.

Character input = the cycles we view (taste, touch, feel, see, or hear.) We are influenced everyday by this cycle every second of every hour.

Finally there is “Render”. this is a quick step that most likely occurs directly after we sleep. We turn into cogs. Every gone through life surprised how a week or two went by with such peed and ease, and this is because you were not actually in the driver’s seat, you are more of a navigator. Jumping through ups and downs, while dogging intense variables and aim for the original goal. You have as much control as a backseat gamer during a game of Call of Duty. You can offer suggestions but in the end the character seems to move where they please.

I bring this all to your attention to make an additional claim. Not only is ‘time’ a real living organism, but it is also no constant as we would like to believe. It has a motion that can be variable, and even the direction of it’s choosing.


So next month is looming, and instead of living life like a drag, I am going to let life operate naturally and stop trying to control things being on my physically needs. In the mean time I will get some sleep.


I Mention all this because time does the same thing almost asc