How is it that I have almost three new subscribers daily? I hardly have interesting posts anymore or even cool pictures. I’ve been super busy, and pretty soon everything will pay off. But I owe you guys some kind of content. After all, this is Daily Shia.
Today I want to talk about love. The four letter word that is often surrounded by a complex series of emotions for men and women, boys and girls of all ages. I am 24 and a male…for those of you who didn’t know. I’ve never been in love. I have thought I was in love several times in my life. The older I get and the more Lifetime Network I watch, I truly begin to believe that love is something that is shared between two or more people. There is self love according to Maslow’s [yes I’m still talking about that]. But self love has more to do with integrity.
A close friend of mine taught me about integrity. It is essentially fulfilling all the promises you make with yourself and others. Returning phone calls, cleaning your room, taking a shower, being timely. When one has integrity, complete integrity in life, they are practicing elements of self love.
Today I want to talk about the other love, the romantic type. Not to be confused with the platonic love. Platonic love is the love that is generally associated with the love for a family member, or a close friend. An even deeper version of this love is called agape love, which is the love that people have for their children and perhaps deities or spiritual entities like ‘God love’.
Romantic love is so complicated because there are sentiments of the other love times intertwined. I suppose the separation maybe important in establishing a life long relationship with romantic love. The idea; however, that only one type of love can be injected in a relationship at a time is utterly false. For example, I love my daughter this love platonic, meaning that it is pure, and agape meaning it is selfless. I have the same platonic / agape love for my mother and father. I suppose the subtle distinction is that I don’t register an agape love for my siblings. Not that I don’t love them unconditionally, but that I am not entirely sure how selfless my love is for them. For my siblings, I see them as close family members. Related by blood yes, but still distant in time. With my child and my parents I have a direct connection.
Dancing around this idea of romantic love, I feel a struggle lately. I have a lot of love to share but in his age it is difficult to find a person with the same life goals. I do believe in monogamy, I mean lots of people do it. (that’s a joke…the second part that is). So how does one go about finding this monogamist romantic love? Beats the hell out of me. I am just lucky if a girl returns a text message.
Good night folks.