Departure: A Late Arrival

Departure: A Late Arrival

Depending on where exactly you travel to in China be aware, in some cities and some providences English is simply not spoken. Even in official governmental facilities it may be difficult to communicate with officials. During stay in China last summer sought purpose to stay in the country a few days longer than initially planned for. He changed plane ticket easily enough but all was not clear just yet. In China on a multi-entry 90 day student Visa (Type F). The time he changed flight, he must have neglected to pay close enough attention to the date posted. He purchased a ticket exactly one week after his Visa expiries. There were no more flights left or right, he was stuck with this careless mistake. This is a careless mistake that everyone should try to avoid at all costs. The penalty for over staying one’s Visa while traveling in China could result in a fine of 500 RMB a day, that’s almost $100 in U.S. currency.

Overstaying one’s Visa could also result in other action and make it difficult to apply for a Visa in the future should you ever wish to return. Going to your school or possibly employer could assist in the search for solutions should you find yourself in this situation. The financial burdens of this “visa extension,” process may surprise you;  yet, they pale in comparison to the actual amount of work that goes into checking into a traveler’s documents, and verifying the authenticity of said individual’s request.

So bring your sealed letter, or whatever your liaison supplies you with to the nearest Entry-Exit Bureau. They will keep your passport, an application, and a few photo copies (copies of photos), as well as your liaison’s supplies. The bureau officials will also print you a receipt of the transaction. It is a good time to ask them to photo stamp this paper. If you ask they will take a passport photo of you and paste it to your receipt. They will then stamp the receipt with their official seal. This document acts as your identification, do not lose it. Without this document you will not be able to get your passport back, or board aircrafts. With this document you may be able to practice your chinese from anywhere in Main Land China places in. Trying to find a hotel that will accept this document may not be as simple.